Using the latest Amenity Ryegrass and Red Fescue, Any Time establishes faster than any other mixture of this type. Any Time will germinate when the soil reaches +3ºC, which means you can use Any Time much earlier. Any Time also produces a deep green colour and is perfect for hardwearing lawns.
How does it work?
Johnsons Any Time uses three types of Amenity Ryegrass with Red Fescue to deliver its unique characteristics. The first is an Amenity Annual Ryegrass which germinates and establishes more quickly than Perennial Ryegrass. It protects and nurses the other grasses and helps suppress weeds. The second is a new Amenity Perennial Ryegrass which germinates at soil temperatures as low as 3ºC, germinates more quickly that traditional Amenity Perennial Ryegrass and has excellent drought and wear resistance. The third is a dense hard wearing Amenity Perennial which combined with its sister grasses and the Red Fescue produces a beautiful lawn.
Available in 250gm, 500gm, 1.5kg cartons, also 10kg and 20kg bags
How does it work?
Johnsons Any Time uses three types of Amenity Ryegrass with Red Fescue to deliver its unique characteristics. The first is an Amenity Annual Ryegrass which germinates and establishes more quickly than Perennial Ryegrass. It protects and nurses the other grasses and helps suppress weeds. The second is a new Amenity Perennial Ryegrass which germinates at soil temperatures as low as 3ºC, germinates more quickly that traditional Amenity Perennial Ryegrass and has excellent drought and wear resistance. The third is a dense hard wearing Amenity Perennial which combined with its sister grasses and the Red Fescue produces a beautiful lawn.
Available in 250gm, 500gm, 1.5kg cartons, also 10kg and 20kg bags